Team Capstone Project, December 2019


  • My senior Capstone project for Information Systems was to help build a web application that tracked the current inventory levels of pharmaceuticals so that Hospitals, Clinics, and other Pharmacies around the area could all log on and see what institutions had in their inventories. 
  • This project was a team effort that spanned 2 semesters; after we finished, we traveled to Botswana, Africa to implement the application. We started at our client’s Pharmacy, Pilane Pharmacy, and entered the inventory he had there into the application.
  • Trained the staff on how to use the application to add, dispense, and check reports for drugs that are soon to expire.
  • Visited the US Embassy to discuss the application, as well as how we could further the relationship between University of Iowa students and Botswanan Entrepreneurs in need.


Technologies Used

  • Django web framework
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • Python